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  • English:Assassination
  • Korean: 암살
  • Release Date: 2015/07/22
  • Duration: 139分
assassination (Korean: 암살) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2015-07-22. The running time is 139 minutes.
Depicts the choices and fate of the members of the independent army and provisional government who gather for a pro-Japanese assassination operation, and the assassins who approach them.
The work that was done. In 1933, the era when the homeland disappeared. The provisional government of the Republic of Korea designates three people who were not exposed to the Japanese side for assassination operations. Korean Independence Army sniper Ahn Ok-yoon (Jeong Jihyo Ng), new
A quick-fire gun from Heung Military Academy, bomb expert Hwang Duk-sam (Choi Duk Moon), and the provisional government's military commander Yeom Seok-jin (Lee Jung-jae) set out to find them. Assassination squad target
Kawaguchi Mamoru (Park Byung-eun), commander of the Korean garrison, and pro-Japanese Kang In-guk (Lee Kyung-young). Meanwhile, Hawaii Pistol (Ha Ji), a contract killer who has received a huge commission from someone,
Young Woo) chases after the assassin group, but... . The Korean movie "Assassination" is set in Shanghai and Gyeongseong (now Seoul) in 1933, and depicts the independence army and members of the provisional government who gather for a pro-Japanese assassination operation.
This work depicts the different choices and unexpected fates of the killer who approaches them.

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