South Korean Defense Minister: ``If the enemy provokes you, turn everything into scorched earth.''
South Korean Defense Minister Shin Won-sik said, ``If the enemy provokes us, we must jointly operate our combined land, sea, and air forces to respond 'immediately, strongly, to the end' (immediately, strongly, to the end). In principle, the origin or finger of provocation
``Turn all the military and support forces to scorched earth,'' he ordered. Defense Minister Shin visited Baengnyeongdo on the afternoon of the 26th, inspected military preparedness, and encouraged the officers and soldiers of the Navy and Marine Corps.
After receiving a report on the current state of counter-preparedness at the Marine Corps 6th Brigade, Defense Minister Shin said, ``Recently, North Korean General Secretary Kim Jung Eun was in charge of the training of airborne units, radiation artillery units, tank units, etc. our country
"In this area (adjacent to the border with North Korea facing the Yellow Sea), North Korea is using coastal defense cruise missiles, coastal artillery, torpedoes, mines, unmanned aerial vehicles, landing craft, etc. Many
There is a high possibility that they will use various methods to launch a surprise attack." He continued, ``Baekyeongdo Island is a key strategic point for defending the NLL (Northern Limit Line), and it is a place that is like a dagger aimed at the enemy's neck.
"I am so proud of the soldiers of the Invincible Marine Black Dragon Unit who were able to firmly protect this place," he said.
2024/03/27 08:03 KST
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