北朝鮮「偵察衛星、ソウルなどを撮影」…「金正恩総書記が直接 “確認”」
North Korea “photographed reconnaissance satellite, Seoul, etc.”…“General Secretary Kim Jong-un directly “confirmed””
On the 25th, North Korea claimed, ``Military reconnaissance satellites have taken photographs of the entire Korean peninsula, and General Secretary Kim Jung Eun has personally confirmed these photographs.''
North Korea's state-run Korean Central News Agency said, ``Kim visited the Pyongyang General Control Center of the National Aerospace Technology Administration and conducted a reconnaissance satellite.
He inspected the operational readiness of the aircraft and viewed aerospace photos taken on the 24th. "A reconnaissance satellite passed over the Korean Peninsula between 10:15 a.m. and 10:27 a.m. on the 24th.
In addition, General Secretary Kim had a detailed understanding of photographic materials taken of the enemy's main target areas such as Mokpo, Gunsan, Osan, and Seoul, as well as various areas of our country. Ta"
I told him. ``The National Aerospace Technology Administration asked General Secretary Kim about the details of the precise maneuvers carried out in the 62 hours after the reconnaissance satellite entered orbit, the satellite's current mission performance status, and the enemy's attack on the morning of the 25th.
"We reported on the filming plan for the surrounding area and the plan for further precision maneuvering of the reconnaissance satellite." Kim also visited the Pyongyang General Control Center on the 22nd, the day after launching the reconnaissance satellite. tree
Mu said that he also saw a photo of the U.S. military base in Guam at that time.
2023/11/25 16:48 KST
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