"TOMORROW X TOGETHER" announced their 6th mini album "minisode 3:
A mood teaser for the ``Promise'' version of ``TOMORROW'' has been posted. They are "Light", "Etherea"
Prior to the release of the concept photos and clips for ``L'' and ``Romantic'', we released mood teasers that let you guess the atmosphere and story of each concept to increase interest.
The three mood teasers for the ``Promise'' version set in the city center feature a hand holding an apple, a fox mask, and a crown. In particular, “FIND
The apple with ``YOU'' engraved on it connects to the theme of this album, ``A story of remembering past promises and going to find the 'you' we promised together,'' which heightens curiosity.
The team's unique concept is an important element that heightens expectations for the new album. "TOMORROW X TOGETHER" shows endless charm through various versions of photos and videos.
It's emanating. ``Light'' is a story of a beautiful blonde boy with a fragile atmosphere like a fairy tale, ``Ethereal'' expresses a dangerous youth with the sensibilities of a rock star, and a horseman in a fantasy novel.
They maximized the excitement with visuals that go back and forth between the extremes, including the concept of ``Romantic'' that resembles a samurai. This includes blonde hair, body piercings, dark smoky makeup, and hair.
The costumes had a classical beauty, including the abando, guitar picks, and glass pipes, and the addition of objects left a strong impression. “TOMORROW
TOGETHER” teases that their new album will feature a story that covers all of their previous epics, and includes promotional content.
Traces of previous albums can be found throughout. The background of the "Ethereal" concept, such as the long road, large trailer, wings, and rock star mood, will be released in 2021.
It reminds me of the music and music video of "0X1=LOVESONG (I Know I Love You) feat. Seori" and "LO$ER=LO♡ER" released in
I'm letting you know. The rose used in the concept of "Romantic" is the rose used in "Good Boy Gone", which will be released in 2022.
Regarding the connectivity between albums, for example, it reminds us of the concept photo of "Bad".
There is a lot of speculation. In this atmosphere, expectations for the photos and clips of the ``Promise'' version, which will be released on the 24th, are at their peak.
'TOMORROW In this album, “TOMORROW”
"X TOGETHER" will tell their own story of salvation: "Tomorrow with you is hope and salvation."

By chunchun 2024/03/24 15:00 KST