Actor Kim Yun Woo's new profile has been released. On the 22nd of this month, management office Wells Entertainment released a new profile of Kim Yun Woo that shows his various appearances.
We have released a new photo. In the published photo, Kim Yun Woo is wearing a chic black turtleneck, and exudes masculinity with his deeper gaze and beautiful jawline.
It's spreading and attracting attention. In other photos, she is wearing a white knit and has a soft smile, creating a warm atmosphere.
Skin that is as clean as a baby's skin is a pride of boyish beauty, but wide shoulders are a contrast to that.
It makes people's hearts flutter, and even the mint-colored casual suit, which is especially difficult to digest, is perfectly digested, attracting a lot of admiration.
Kim Yunu, who debuted in 2021, appeared in the morning on the TV series "Lover (2023)" last year.
He took on the role of ``Ryan Eum,'' the best singer in Korea, and showed off his three-dimensional character with delicate acting, earning him a lot of love and praise from viewers. In addition, a newcomer at the ``2023 MBCDrama Awards''
He has received attention as a next-generation actor and has won awards. In addition, in Netflix's ``Gyeongseong Creature'', he shaved his hair for the work and created a completely different character from the previous work.
He left a strong impression on viewers by playing the role of student soldier Chae Geun.

By Corin 2024/01/23 18:57 KST