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  • English:Misbehavior
  • Korean: 여교사
  • Release Date: 2017/01/04
  • Duration: 96分
mistress (Korean: 여교사) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2017-01-04. The running time is 96 minutes.
Kim Ha Neul plays the role of a jealous female teacher! Trying to steal the student I'm interested in
A controversial work that unfolds over time. Hyo-joo (Kim Ha Neul), a contracted female teacher, is annoyed by Hae-young (Yoo InYoung), the director's daughter, who has joined the school as a regular teacher. I don't even remember it
He says he's his junior at school and treats him casually, but he can't help but feel a pity for him. The relationship between Hae-young and Jae-ha (Lee WonKeun), a scholarship student in the dance department who happens to be her temporary homeroom teacher.
You will know. Hyo-joo tries to steal one thing from Hae-young, who has everything, but... . The Korean movie "Female Teacher" is about the time when Hyo-joo, a contracted female teacher, reaches a turning point to become a regular teacher.
He learns of the inappropriate relationship between the director's daughter Hye-young and dance student Jae-ha. She tries to steal one thing from Hae-young, who has everything, and the story unfolds from there. Starring a popular actress
Kim Ha Neul. Yoo In Young, who took on the challenge of bold acting, and rookie actor Lee Won Keun passionately play the role of the director's daughter and a dance student. Kim Ha Neul is the OST (original sound
He also participated in the track.

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