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A Man and a Woman

A Man and a Woman
  • English:A Man and a Woman
  • Korean: 남과 여
  • Release Date: 2016/02/25
  • Duration: 115分
man and woman (Korean: 남과 여) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2016-02-25. The running time is 115 minutes.
An orthodox love story about a man and a woman who meet in snow-covered Finland and are passionately attracted to each other.
Helsinki. Sunmin (Do Yeong) and Giheon (GongYoo), who met at their children's international school, coincidentally decide to accompany them to a campsite in the far north. Roads blocked by heavy snow
The two end up hugging each other deeply in a deserted white cabin in the woods, and part without knowing each other's names. Eight months later, Seoul. I felt that my time in Finland was a dream shown to me by the snowy fields.
Just as Sunmin returns to his daily life, Gu Hong appears again, seemingly in a lie, and the two become irresistibly attracted to each other. . The Korean movie "Man and Woman" meets in snow-covered Finland and becomes passionately attracted to each other.
An orthodox love story depicting a man and a woman falling in love with each other. This is the return work of Do Yeong, who has starred in Korea's leading romance films such as ``Connection'' and ``Scandal.''
Actor GongYoo, who has shown strong performances in films such as ``Togani'' and ``Suspect,'' will star in a classic love story for the first time. Released in Japan on February 4, 2017.

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