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The Priests

The Priests
  • English:The Priests
  • Korean: 검은 사제들
  • Release Date: 2015/11/05
  • Duration: 108分
Black Priests (Korean: 검은 사제들) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2015-11-05. The running time is 108 minutes.
A story about two priests who tackle a mysterious case to save a girl in danger.
2015 Seoul. A girl (Park SoDam) has been suffering from mysterious symptoms since a traffic accident. Father Kim (Kim Yoon-seok) was hated by the church due to his frequent outbursts.
prepares his own plan to save the girl, despite all opposition and doubts. For this situation, there is also a need for one priest who meets all the qualifications. A seminarian while everyone was avoiding him.
Choi Bu Jae (Kang Dong Won) is selected and he will be given a mission to help Father Kim and monitor him at the same time. .
The Korean movie ``Black Priests'' is about a mysterious girl who is in danger.
A story of two priests who confront an incident. This is a work that deals with a rare material called ``exorcism''. The Japanese title is ``Priest: The One Who Buries the Devil'' and it was released in Japan on October 22, 2016.

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