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The Royal Tailor

The Royal Tailor
  • English:The Royal Tailor
  • Korean: 상의원
  • Release Date: 2014/12/24
  • Duration: 127分
upper body (Korean: 상의원) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2014-12-24. The running time is 127 minutes.
Starring Han Suk Kyu, Ko Soo, and Park Sin Hye! Items from Sangguiwon, which made royal clothing during the Joseon Dynasty
word. Han Suk Kyu of Sanggiwon, who has been making royal clothes for 30 years, will become a yangban in six months. One day, the queen took care of the king's robe (Park Sin Hye)
Her attendants make a mistake and burn their robes. Lee Gun-jin (Ko Soo), who is rumored to be an expert at making clothes outside the palace, is forced to go to the queen's former, who needed someone who could make clothes in a hurry.
Then, he made the king's clothes perfectly. At first, Dorseok ignores Gonjin, thinking that he is a naughty guy who even makes clothes for gisaeng, but gradually he opens up and even becomes jealous of Gonjin's genius talent.
become. . The Korean movie ``Sanguiwon'' is a story that unfolds at Sanguiwon, which made royal clothing during the Joseon Dynasty. Actors Han Suk Kyu, Ko Soo, Park Sin Hye, Yoo Yeon Seock
, Ma Dong Seok, Shin Soyoulu and other gorgeous performers are also on the list. The Japanese title is "Sang Yi Won" and it was released in Japan on November 7, 2015.

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