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  • English:Monster
  • Korean: 몬스터
  • Release Date: 2014/03/13
  • Duration: 113分
Monster (Korean: 몬스터) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2014-03-13. The running time is 113 minutes.
Starring Lee Min Ki & Kim Go Eun! A serial killer and madman like no other in Korean film history
A showdown between women. Bok-soon (Kim Go-Eun), who works as a street vendor and lives with her only sister, is known as a "crazy woman" in the town. One day, a cold-blooded murderer named Tess (
Lee Min Ki) kills Bok Sun's sister to hide her secret. Bok-sun attacks him with a knife to avenge his sister's death. Tae-soo relentlessly pursues Bok-sun in order to end the murder. know how to give up
A suffocating chase between two monsters begins. . The Korean movie ``Monster'' depicts the endless pursuit of a murderer and a woman whose sister was stolen by him. A series unlike any other in Korean film history
It has a unique setting of a confrontation between a chain murderer and a crazy woman, a solid story, fast development, and strong characters. Lee Min Ki, the dark horse of the Korean movie box office, and major new actress Kim Kim
Go-eun will create a fresh thriller movie.

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