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Nameless Gangster: Rules of the Time

Nameless Gangster: Rules of the Time
  • English:Nameless Gangster: Rules of the Time
  • Korean: 범죄와의 전쟁:나쁜놈들 전성시대
  • Release Date: 2012/02/02
  • Duration: 133分
War on Crime: The Golden Age of Bad Guys (Korean: 범죄와의 전쟁: 나쁜놈들 전성시대) is a movie.
The Korean release date is 2012-02-02. The running time is 133 minutes. Starring Choi Min Sik & Ha Jung Woo! A highly anticipated hit in 2012.
February 2012 “The era of war between bad guys” begins! In Busan in 1982, Choi Min Sik, a customs officer who was on the verge of being fired, smuggled methamphetamine into Japan, which he discovered during a patrol investigation.
He then joins forces with Choi Hyun Bae (Ha Jung Woo), the young boss of Busan's largest organization. . The Korean movie ``War on Crime'' is a hit that attracted over 2 million viewers in just 10 days after its release.
The performances of the lead actors Choi Min Sik and Ha Jung Woo and the stable and unique performances of supporting actors such as Cho Jin Woong and Ma Dong Seok shined. The Japanese title is "Akuyatsura" and it was released in Japan on August 31, 2013.
