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The King and the Clown

The King and the Clown
  • English:The King and the Clown
  • Korean: 왕의남자
  • Release Date: 2005/12/29
  • Duration: 119分
King's Man (Korean: 왕의남자) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2005-12-29. The running time is 119 minutes.
A blockbuster that broke all-time records for Korean movies one after another! .
Yeonsan Dynasty during the Joseon Dynasty. He led his fellow entertainer Gong Gil (Lee Jun Ki), who is more beautiful than women, to Hanyang (now Seoul).
Jansen (Kam Woo Sung) is a drama that satirizes the relationship between a king and his mistress, Noksu (Gang Seong Yeon), and becomes a local celebrity. However, the royal court found out about the play that made fun of the king, and the entertainer was accused of humiliating the king.
The group is captured. Realizing that he has no choice but to die, Jansen decides to take the fight. This play will be shown in front of the king to make him laugh... However, the comedians saw the king in front of them.
However, due to the extreme tension, the play does not proceed as planned. I thought that was it already... . The “historical drama” genre, which was not well accepted in the Korean film industry, and the Korean
Despite the theme of ``homosexuality'', which was not accepted by society, ``The King's Man'' was a blockbuster movie that had a huge impact, attracting more than 10 million viewers. Jansen's role
Kam Woo Sung's wonderful performance became a Hot Topic. In addition, Lee Jun Ki, who appeared in "Hotel Venus" and is very popular in Japan as a "man who is more beautiful than women", will appear in "The King's Man" as a top young actor.
He joined the group and caused the "Lee Jun Ki syndrome".
