≪Korean TV Series NOW≫ “Sacred Idol” EP3, Kim MIN-GYU accepts the fate of living as an idol = audience rating 2.0%, synopsis/spoilers
*Contains plot summary and spoilers. tvNTV Series "Sacred Idol" EP3 (audience rating 2.0%) features Lembrary (Kim), who is making the first record of "Sing Survival"
・MIN-GYU) was depicted. Lembrary, who switched bodies with Yeon-woo, a member of South Korea's failed idol group ``Wild Animal,'' cried ``I don't know how to dance'' in her first broadcast accident.
After that, it became the center of Hot Topic every day. Meanwhile, Lembrary accepts Yeon-woo's ridiculous contract condition that says, ``If I win this year's singer award, I will change my body'' and live as an idol.
I have accepted my fate. He also received an offer to appear on the variety show ``Sing Survival,'' which is called Devil's Survival.
The cast members got up from their seats, enjoying the performance and exploding with their reactions, but Lembrary remained as still as a stone. Rembla was watching the stage intently.
Lee's eyebrows furrowed, as if he was about to start a nagging attack.


2023/11/01 16:45 KST
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