女優パク・チユン「子供は私を“大食いYouTuber”だと」… 久しぶりの「知ってるお兄さん」出演
Actress Park Ji Yoon ”Kids call me a 'big eating YouTuber'”... Appearing on ”Knowing Bros” after a long time
Singer and actress Park Ji Yoon gave an update. Kwon Il-young, Pyo Chang-won, Park Ji-yoon, and Jang Dong-min appeared on JTBC 'Knowing Brothers' broadcast on the 26th.
played. On the broadcast, Park Ji Yoon revealed how he appeared on the program, saying, "I was pushed by my children to perform." Park Ji Yoon said, "But as you know, I took a break from broadcasting for several years."
, "Kids think I'm a gluttonous YouTuber." Also, "My children are going to school, so my mother wants me to be more famous, so I decided to appear.
He said, "Even though I said it would be a burden to appear on 'Knowing Bros', I was told to go anyway."
Also, Park Ji Yoon said, "The kids are now 10 and 11 years old."
I told you.
2023/08/26 22:56 KST
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