[End] BTS's office BIGHIT, requests an apology for the invasion of the office by the reporter of the broadcast station “JTBC”. The following is a literal translation.

2. Regarding the report, last year, BTS had a conflict with the management company about the revenue distribution before the renewing the contract, and could not fill the differences with the management company, and began to consult with the law office.

The above is not true.

BTS has no intention of responding legally such as filling “lawsuits” for the exclusive contracts that include current revenue sharing.

In relation to the exclusive contracts, the negative expressions such as “difference in position” and “conflict”, which were the twisted interpretations as if BTS had serious conflicts with our company, and the report further promoted the conflicts, which we strongly regret.

Even in the renewal of the contract which was concluded last year, our company and BTS have recognized each other as equal partners.

With the mutual recognition that the process of renewing the contract is not easy as the value created by BTS increases astronomically, the management company and BTS have long discussed about the renewal of the contract, which led the most exemplary contract renewal in the industry.

3. Issues in the collaborative reporting and coverage activities

Several entertainment company incidents that had nothing to do with our company was reported in "The change to the Korean wave ... the endless dispute with the management offices, why?", we would like to express our deepest regret for this report which implied there was a problem with our company.

JTBC, in its related reports, did not confirm whether the reports were correct or not, but reported the incidents that were not related to the company. In the process of creating the report, JTBC's research behaviors were in the level of us to be suspicious about JTBC's credibility of being truth to the principal of journalism.

Without prior consultation, they visited our company and asked one-sided questions about the case without explaining the background,which was used for the news footage.

Whether or not they judged that there was a issue with these interviews, the content that was secretly taken was released online after being deleted (on TV).

In addition to the video used by JTBC for the first report, we have secured CCTV video that captures scenes where the filming crew intruded into our office without permission.

Freedom of speech should be guaranteed, but it is our position that the media must be interviewed based on the principles accordingly. The issue regarding JTBC's way of correcting information will be raised separately by us.

Whatever JTBC's intent in this report is, the contents are not facts. JTBC expands some of the contents and reports as if they were the facts, and associated with the cases ,which are not related to our company, caused the damage to our company and BTS.

We consider that the JTBC report is a problematic report that does not apply the minimum principle, and requests JTBC's sincere apology and response.

Thank you very much.

Big hit entertainment
2019/12/10 09:36 KST
From SNS