BIGBANG VI incident, Attention to the Chinese woman "ENA". .

● Chinese women with a history of drug use in the past

● Work as MD (club sales) at the club "Burning San"

● One person of three women who accused Mr. Kim who was beaten at the club and became the beginning of the case (the other two are acquaintances of club co-representative Mr. Lee)

● Immediately after the incident, a two-shot with VI was a topic

● Two kinds of narcotic ingredients are detected in this hair examination

● "It is certain that drug was administered with Chinese customers in clubs, but I did not handed the drug to customers (Permit for narcotic use, denied for sales)

● It is difficult to extend the departure ban because of Chinese nationality. Police are going to apply for a "detention warrant."

* It was not Ena, that stated in the police that "VI also used drugs". VI strongly disallows drug use even in the second summons, in fact, it is also "negative" in the hair test performed at the time of the first summons.
2019/03/20 17:25 KST
From SNS