A behind-the-scenes video of actor Park BoGum has been released. On the 24th, Park BoGum's official YouTube channel released a video titled "Park BoGum '2024 IU HEREH
A video titled "WORLD TOUR CONCERT IN SEOUL' BEHIND FILM" has been published.
The video shows Park Bo-go, who was invited as a guest at IU's concert held in Seoul on March 10.
The video includes footage of Mu entering the dressing room and being touched by the presents IU has prepared, as well as footage of them rehearsing, preparing for the actual performance, and singing on stage.
Park BoGum and IU co-starred in the upcoming TV series "Thank You So Much." Meanwhile, Park BoGum is also appearing in the film "Wonderland," which is scheduled for release in Korea on June 5.
She will also appear in the new variety show "My Name is Gabriel," which will premiere on June 21st.

By chunchun 2024/05/25 22:49 KST