Actor Kim Jae Wook posted the YouTube content "DEX's Nenta View" (Dex's Fridge) of the talent DEX.
It was announced that he would be appearing in "Interview)". 14th, Kim Jae Wook's management officeMANAGEMENT
On SOOP's official Instagram, there is a post that says, ``#Onsite SOOP Shot Fresh #Kim Jae Wook's charm revealed tonight at 10pm Original
Check it out on Nantaview (YouTube content) #Jae-wook actor's musical Don't do anything -- #sooparazzi
#Kimjaeuck was on #Originalfridgeinterview Check on the 117 YouTube
#soopstagram” and posted two photos with the hashtag. In the published photo, Kim Jae Wook is smiling while wearing an all-black outfit.
The picture shows him smiling. Fans who saw the post left comments such as ``So cool,'' ``I want to meet you,'' ``I'm really looking forward to it,'' and ``Jae-wook is amazing.''
I have sent a message. Meanwhile, Kim Jae Wook will appear in the creative musical "Haguo", which will open on March 15th, as Tu.
``Haguo'' is based on the novel of the same name by author Goo Byung-mo.
``Haguo'', published in 2013, is a novel that depicts a story about aging and captures the moment when something that once shines fades away. corner
The story's relationships with the characters (Jogak), Tou, who doesn't like the change in the angle of his nails, and Dr. Kang, who is the originator of the change, add tension to the story.

By minmin 2024/03/14 20:39 KST