Karina of "aespa" is aiming at men's hearts with her innocent yet sexy visuals. On the 16th of this month, Karina posted on her Instagram ``@prada
#pradafw24 FW24 Menswear Collection” and posted several photos. In the published photo, Karina is wearing a sleeveless shirt made of silk material.
She is wearing a dress and posing elegantly. In particular, her red lips that contrast with her pure white skin highlight her bewitching charm and captivate the hearts of her fans.
Fans from both Korea and abroad who saw the post commented, ``Oh, she's truly a legend and beautiful. Karina is Karina,'' and ``This is Karina from Prada Personal Color.
"But," "My heart has been beating fast since this morning," and "I love you so much," were some of the responses. Meanwhile, aespa announced the 2024 version "Regret of the Era" at 6 pm on the 15th of this month.
By Corin 2024/01/16 19:20 KST