BTOB member Yim Hyun Sik's cumulative donations exceeded 100 million won. On December 29th, the Snail of Love Association, which supports the hearing-impaired, announced the ``Yim Hyun Sik''.
has been listed in the 8th issue of ``Seoul Leader'', the love snail's high-value backer club.'' Seoul leader has cumulative sponsorship amount of 9,9 in the Love Snail High Backer Club
If you spend more than 1,000,000 won, you will be automatically enrolled. Yim Hyun Sik has been supporting us since 2017.
On December 22nd, we donated 30 million won, bringing the total to 100 million won.
The donations so far have been used to present sound to seven hearing-impaired people, and the current donation will also be used to support replacement of external cochlear implant devices for hearing-impaired people.
It's a schedule. In 2017, Yim Hyun Sik performed sign language choreography during BTOB's ``Koi Shitte'' promotion, and became interested in supporting the hearing impaired.
At that time, I sympathized with the Snail of Love activity, which helps the hearing-impaired find sounds, and I have continued to support them every year. Love Snail Clary on November 25th
I participated in a regular online ensemble concert, watched a performance by hearing-impaired ensemble members, and delivered a moving message after the performance.
Yim Hyun Sik said, ``People who get great love and happiness through music.
The more time I spend with him, the more I feel the weight of his role. It was a small beginning in the process of seriously thinking about what sound would be like to someone, but I'm grateful for it giving me a reason to work harder.
``I hope that my music will reach those who have come to hear music through support.''

By Corin 2023/12/29 12:06 KST