It's a man created by AI, but do you know which country he's from, Japan, China, or Korea? I only hit Koreans. When I looked at the correct answer and then looked at it again, I was convinced that it was true.
The correct answer is...at the bottom. First, let's look at the reactions of Korean netizens: ・It's so easy to understand!・I got everything right too!・You can tell just by the hairstyle lol
・You have a good grasp of the unique atmosphere~ ・Wow~ AI is really smart ・I worked as an otaku in Japan, China, and Korea, so I understood it right away!
・I didn't really understand><I just thought the person in number 3 was cool so I looked at the correct answer lol<Correct> 1.Japan 2.China 3.Korea
By あいこ 2023/11/28 08:45 KST