Actor Choi Jin Hyuk recalled the past when he was about to get married. Kim Hee-chul and Kim Jong-gu appeared on SBS's ``Growth Diary of an Around 4 Son,'' which aired on the 22nd of this month.
The picture depicts Choi Jin Hyuk talking about marriage with Koo, Tak Jae Hoon, and Heo Kyung Hwan. On this day, Choi JinHyuk said, ``Isn't there a woman who even thought about getting married?''
When asked by Kim Hee-chul, he confessed, ``I was there. The timing wasn't right.'' Choi JinHyuk then said, ``This is the first time I've talked about it on air. I was betrayed.
I had a boyfriend. But we've been together for over a year. I was the second one," he said, surprising the cast. Tak Jae-hoon said, ``Marriage is timing, and divorce is also timing.''
"It's ng," he replied. Choi Jin Hyuk, who was hurt a lot by his girlfriend, said with a bitter expression, ``I cried a lot. I cried a lot.''
On the other hand, SBS's ``Growth Diary of a Son Around 40'' is broadcast every Sunday at 9 pm.
By Corin 2023/10/22 23:03 KST