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  • English:Swallow
  • Korean: 제비
  • Release Date: 2023/04/12
  • Duration: 138分
Swallow (Korean: 제비) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2023-04-12. The running time is 138 minutes.
A romance piece that captures the passionate love of 1983 and the fierce cries of modern people living today.
In 1983, when a spring day in a university town was particularly hot, Jaebi (Yoon Park) and Eun-suk (Jang HeeRyung) were comrades who were devoted to student movements and were in a secret relationship. And Eun Sook
A person who loved the world but had no choice but to become an operative. Forty years later, Eun-sook's son Ho-young (Woo JIHYO-N) learns about the three of them and reveals their love, revolution, and one or two secrets.
I will do it. . The Korean movie ``Swallow'' is a romance work set in 1983 that depicts passionate love and the fierce cries of modern people living in today's world.

