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I Am Here

I Am Here
  • English:I Am Here
  • Korean: 나는 여기에 있다
  • Release Date: 2023/04/12
  • Duration: 82分
i am here (Korean: 나는 여기에 있다) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2023-04-12. The running time is 82 minutes.
A crime action story between a murder suspect and a detective from the First Investigative Division.
In the past, detective Sun Doo (Chi) miraculously survived through an organ transplant after being stabbed in the lungs while apprehending a murderer.
Yo Han Sung). He returns to the forefront of the investigation and while pursuing the serial killer Kyu-jeong (Jeong Jin WOO-N), he discovers that Gyu-jeong is himself through the organ transplant coordinator As-sun (Noh Susanna).
Not only did he receive an organ transplant from the same donor, but he also learned that the donor was a murderer that he had arrested in the past. . The Korean movie ``I Am Here'' is about a murder suspect and a detective from the First Investigative Division.
Crime action that expands.

