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  • English:JUNG_E
  • Korean: 정이
  • Release Date: 2023/01/20
  • Duration: 98分
Jeongi (Korean: 정이) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2023-01-20. The running time is 98 minutes. Ranked #1 on Netflix! “New infection
A science fiction action film from director Yeon Sang-ho of ``Final Express''. Rapid climate change has left the Earth in ruins, and humans are finding new places in space.
Build a shelter and move there. During the decades-long civil war, Kim Hyun Joo leads many campaigns to victory and is reborn as a legendary mercenary. But only 1
After a failed mission, she becomes a plant-human, and the military AI development company Kronoid clones her brain and begins to create the best AI combat mercenary.
Thirty-five years later, Jeongyi's daughter Yoon SooYeon (Kang SooYeon) is a member of the Jeongyi Project.
He becomes the head of the research team of ``To'' and strives to develop a combat AI. With no progress in the endless replication and simulation, Chronoid prepares another project. When Sora learns of this,
Hyun comes up with a plan to help Jung-i, but... . The South Korean movie “JUNG_E” produced by Netflix includes “Hell is calling” and “New infection”.
A science fiction action film from director Yeon Sang-ho, who also directed ``Final Express''. A researcher at the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute learns about his mother, a legendary mercenary.
A story about cloning brains and trying to end war.


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