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Hit Man

Hit Man
  • English:Hit Man
  • Korean: 살인청부업자
  • Release Date: 2022/11/03
  • Duration: 91分
Hitman (Korean: 살인청부업자) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2022-11-03. The running time is 91 minutes.
A hard-boiled film that depicts the shocking diary of a contract murder "engineer" who disposes of evil as evil.
A crime thriller. An "engineer" who has a golden rule of setting a goal and eradicating it by any means or method is approached with a request to solve a mysterious family fire incident. An unknown person in the plan that was going smoothly
intervenes, and the ruthless hunt begins to get in the way... . The Korean movie "Murder Contractor" is a hard-boiled crime thriller that depicts the shocking diary of a contract murder "engineer" who disposes of evil as evil.
