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First Child

First Child
  • English:First Child
  • Korean: 첫번째 아이
  • Release Date: 2022/11/10
  • Duration: 93分
First Child (Korean: 첫번째 아이) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2022-11-10. The running time is 93 minutes.
A story depicting a modern mother facing the world.
A year after the birth of her first child, Jung-ah (Park Ha-Sun) returns to work.
JIHYO N, who is in his first year in the workforce, tries to take JeongAh's seat for himself in order to extend his contract, and Hwaja, who has to take responsibility for the family's livelihood elsewhere, decides to look after JeongAh's child.
Become. One day, Jung-ah receives a message that her child is missing, and the three women become entangled due to Jung-ah's first child. .
The Korean film ``First Child'' depicts the countless dilemmas that a woman experiences between work and family after returning from childcare leave.
It depicts a modern mother facing the world.
