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The Cave

The Cave
  • English:The Cave
  • Korean: 낮과 달
  • Release Date: 2022/10/20
  • Duration: 111分
day and moon (Korean: 낮과 달) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2022-10-20. The running time is 111 minutes.
The unpredictable relationship between Min-hee, who moved to Cheju Island after her husband's death, and Mok-ha, who met his "first love wife".
A story depicting a person in charge. After her husband dies, Min-hee (Yoo Da In) moves to Cheju Island, where her husband wanted to live.
He meets the child Taecyeon and becomes friends with him. Just when she thought she had made a new friend, she learned that Mokuha was her husband's first love.
Min-hee feels a sense of loss, even though she doesn't really mean it. My “ex-boyfriend” from 50,000 yen ago, who I had forgotten about in my peaceful daily life.
Mok-ha is forcibly awakened to her memories of ``The Day and the Moon.'' An unpredictable and competitive relationship begins between the two women.The Korean movie ``Day and Moon'' tells the story of Min-hee, who moves to Cheju Island after her husband dies, and her ``first love.''
A story depicting the unpredictable relationship between Mokuha and his wife.
