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City of Dogs

City of Dogs
  • English:City of Dogs
  • Korean: 개들의 도시
  • Release Date: 2022/06/29
  • Duration: 86分
City of Dogs (Korean: 개들의 도시) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2022-06-29. The running time is 86 minutes.
An action movie about a guy who has to become the bad guy to save everything.
Hoon-hee, who was released from prison, enlists the help of Joon-ki, the boss of the organization, to make illegal consumer loans to his classmates in order to get his money back.
He begins working under Degi. Meanwhile, the unethical police officer Yeon-tae visits Dae-gi and instructs him on the operation, and his boss Joon-ki, sensing the situation, threatens Yeon-tae. But he's already turned into a bad guy.
Ta-Yeon-tae makes a plan to carry out a plan that will bring in a lot of money and eliminate Joon-ki, who is a hindrance. Jeong-hwa, a student who is a regular at the diner run by Hoon-hee's mother, is sold due to the debt left by her gambler father.
Her younger brother and Hoon-hee end up getting caught up in Yong-tae's plan, but... . The Korean movie ``City of Dogs'' is about a man who has to become a bad guy to save everything.
action stuff.
