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Dead Camping The Live

Dead Camping The Live
  • English:Dead Camping The Live
  • Korean: 데드캠핑 더라이브
  • Release Date: 2022/05/12
Dead Camping The Live (Korean: 데드캠핑 더라이브) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2022-05-12.
An action thriller in which a popular camping YouTuber goes into a remote mountain to hunt “those guys”
-. Popular camping YouTuber Sooyoung is showing off in real time her ``solo camping'' experience in a remote mountain.
One day, Soo-young is attacked by strangers...
But they didn't know. That everything she prepared. And it won't end until the last one takes his last breath.
That... . The Korean movie ``Dead Camping the Live'' is an action thriller about a popular camping YouTuber who goes into a remote mountain to hunt ``thugs''.
