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Air Murder

Air Murder
  • English:Air Murder
  • Korean: 공기살인
  • Release Date: 2022/04/22
  • Duration: 108分
air murder (Korean: 공기살인) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2022-04-22. The running time is 108 minutes.
A work depicting a deadly struggle to uncover the true nature of a murderous weapon that carried through the air and brought death to the Republic of Korea.
A deadly disease that appears in the spring and disappears in the summer. A desperate struggle to uncover the true nature of the murderous weapon that carried death through the air to the Republic of Korea. The culprit evaporated, but the victim did not evaporate!
. The Korean movie ``Air Murder'' depicts a desperate struggle to uncover the true nature of a murderous weapon that rides on the air and brings death to the Republic of Korea. Based on the novel "Bacteria" by author Seo Jae-won, the story revolves around the humidifier disinfectant incident.
This is the background of the work. *Humidifier sterilizer incident = An incident from 2001 to 2011 in which many casualties occurred due to products sold as humidifier sterilizers. Polyhexa contained in disinfectants
It is thought to be caused by methylene guanidine.
