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Essay Love

Essay Love
  • English:Essay Love
  • Korean: 수필러브
  • Release Date: 2021/09/01
  • Duration: 96分
Essay Love (Korean: 수필러브) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2021-09-01. The running time is 96 minutes.
The story begins with a letter received on a YouTube radio channel.
Hee-chul (Kim Hee-chul) runs a YouTube radio channel. One day, a letter arrived and
The letter contained a warm and beautiful love story between a man and a woman. Every week, as you read the contents, you will be curious about the main character in the letter and the words that are difficult to understand and have deep meaning will become Hee-chul.
capture the heart of And suddenly, memories of days gone by are awakened. . The Korean movie "Essay Love" is a story that begins with a letter received on a YouTube radio channel.
