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I Can Only See

I Can Only See
  • English:I Can Only See
  • Korean: 나만 보이니
  • Release Date: 2021/07/21
  • Duration: 97分
Do you see only me? (Korean: 나만 보이니) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2021-07-21. The running time is 97 minutes.
Starring JIN WOOn (2AM) & Solbin! A comical horror story depicting a deadly battle with a ghost that appears on the set of a romantic movie.
The director and other people involved visit an abandoned hotel to shoot a movie. There are obviously only 6 people here, so who is that person over there?
Suddenly, the atmosphere changed, and many staff members started saying they had seen ghosts. The sad romance movie gradually turns into a horror movie... .
The Korean movie ``Only You Can See Me'' is about a ghost that appears on the set of a romantic movie.
A comical horror work depicting a desperate struggle between a spirit and a director who desperately wants to complete the film.
