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Cute Man

Cute Man
  • English:Cute Man
  • Korean: 귀여운 남자
  • Release Date: 2021/01/14
  • Duration: 111分
cute guy (Korean: 귀여운 남자) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2021-01-14. The running time is 111 minutes.
A family stitching project for men who are just cute.
Ki-sung (Shin Min-jae), the head of a children's coding education office, is a stubborn father who is flying around everywhere.
He is the head of a ``confusing family,'' with an adolescent daughter who is unsure of her identity, and an ex-wife who has remarried an alumnus. His dream is to get back together with his wife and live in a spacious apartment with his family.
His life changes little by little due to bank employee Yi-ryeong (Lee JinRi) who thinks Ki-sung is cute.
Will he be able to get his family back? . The Korean movie ``Cute Man'' reunites with his wife and lives in a large apartment with his family.
A story about a man who dreams of living in N.
