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Finding Angel

Finding Angel
  • English:Finding Angel
  • Korean: 천사는 바이러스
  • Release Date: 2021/01/06
  • Duration: 114分
angel is a virus (Korean: 천사는 바이러스) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2021-01-06. The running time is 114 minutes.
A movie based on the true story of an angel that appeared in Nosong-dong! . For the 17th year, Noseong-dong town hall every December around Christmas.
Then, the phone always rings. A faceless angel suddenly disappears, leaving behind the location of a donation box and the words, "Please use it for people in need."
This year again, elderly people living alone in Noseong-dong express their gratitude to the faceless angel, which warms their hearts.
waiting for an angel One day, Ji-hoon, a writer who writes articles using faceless angels as material, appears. Ji-hoon begins to observe the residents while supporting the elderly, but ``Heaven with no face'' appears.
I am sure that the envoy is one of these cave people. . ``Angel is a Virus'' is a film adaptation of the play of the same name. It is based on a true story that took place in Naoseong-dong, Jeonju.
