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For the New Emperor

For the New Emperor
  • English:For the New Emperor
  • Korean: 신황제를 위하여
  • Release Date: 2020/11/11
  • Duration: 99分
For the God Emperor (Korean: 신황제를 위하여) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2020-11-11. The running time is 99 minutes.
A sensitive action noir depicting love and betrayal. A "new emperor" who rose to fame with his legendary fists during his student days. After graduating from high school, he continued to live an ordinary life, but a long time...
Receive a secret proposal from an ugly friend. As he enters the world of darkness, his hidden ambitions awaken, and he becomes deeply attracted to the boss's woman, ``Ju Mi-ran.'' .
The Korean movie ``For the New Emperor'' tells the story of a man whose only thing is loyalty and the love that surrounds his boss's woman after he enters the world of evil.
It's an emotional action noir depicting betrayal.
