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By Quantum Physics: A Nightlife Venture

By Quantum Physics: A Nightlife Venture
  • English:By Quantum Physics: A Nightlife Venture
  • Korean: 양자물리학
  • Release Date: 2019/09/25
  • Duration: 119分
quantum physics (Korean: 양자물리학) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2019-09-25. The running time is 119 minutes.
The story of how he discovers by chance that a drug party is a huge scandal involving the entertainment industry, prosecutors, and politics, and uncovers it.
The work I drew. . One day, Lee Chan-woo (Park Hye-soo), a ``popular figure in the entertainment world'' whose motto in life is the quantum physics belief that ``thoughts create reality'', attends a drug party involving a famous celebrity.
I noticed the incident. Chan-woo believes that “no illegality! No tax evasion!” will lead to innovation from the bottom up, and tells Park Ki-hong (Kim Sang-ho), the head of the crime intelligence division that he has been dating, about this information.
Spread the news. Chan-woo, who thought it was a simple case, turned out to be a huge drug scandal that involved not only the entertainment industry but also prosecutors and the political world.
You will find yourself in a situation where you will have to confront. Chan-woo was involved in this incident along with Chief Park and other industry aces such as Song Eun-young (Seo YEJI), the industry queen who boasts of “golden connections”.
I decided to reveal... . The Korean movie ``Quantum Physics'' depicts how a drug party that he happens to discover is a huge scandal involving the entertainment world, prosecutors, and politics, and uncovers it.
Works. Although it is not based on a motif, there are similarities to the actual incident that shook the Korean entertainment industry in 2019, and it boasts a ``200% synchronization rate with Korean society'', and there are many
It struck a chord with the audience.
