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Svaha: The Sixth Finger

Svaha: The Sixth Finger
  • English:Svaha: The Sixth Finger
  • Korean: 사바하
  • Release Date: 2019/02/20
  • Duration: 122分
Sabaha (Korean: 사바하) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2019-02-20. The running time is 122 minutes.
A pastor from the Institute for Religious Affairs, who finds wrongdoing in new religions, is implicated in a murder case.
A work that exposes the reality of a new religious group. . Twin sisters are born in a local village. Geum-hwa (Lee Jae-in), who is lame, and her sister, who everyone thought would not be able to survive.
"that". However, they both turned 16 this year. Reverend Park (Lee Jung Jae) of the Institute for Religious Affairs, who finds fraud in new religions, is investigating a new religious group called ``Deer Garden.''
Ru. A middle school girl was found dead in the Yeongwol Tunnel, and Pastor Park, who happened to meet the police who were chasing her at the Deer Park, sensed that this incident was something unusual.
However, before the truth is revealed, the suspect in the case commits suicide, and the last person he meets before his death is Nahan (Park Jeong Min), an unknown mechanic, and his twin, who was born 16 years ago.
The more Pastor Park reveals about the Deer Garden, including the existence of Geum-hwa, the child's younger sister, the more the mystery deepens... . The Korean movie ``Sabaha'' is a religious question that uncovers injustices in new religions.
A work in which a pastor at a research institute uncovers the reality of a new religious group involved in a murder case.

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