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Crazy Romance

Crazy Romance
  • English:Crazy Romance
  • Korean: 가장 보통의 연애
  • Release Date: 2019/10/02
  • Duration: 109分
The most ordinary love (Korean: 가장 보통의 연애) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2019-10-02. The running time is 109 minutes.
A work depicting an honest and realistic romance between a man who was hurt by his former girlfriend and a woman who was betrayed by her former boyfriend. . Jae Hoon (Kim Rae Won) was hurt by his former girlfriend. Two as usual
I find a record of a two-hour conversation I had with someone from an unknown number on a morning that started with a hangover. The other person turned out to be Sun-young (Gong), a co-worker of mine who I met for the first time less than 24 hours ago.
Hyojin). Sunyoung just finished dating her former boyfriend. The first day you arrive to work at a new company. After breaking up with my former boyfriend due to various complaints, I ended up meeting Jae-hoon from the same workplace.
cormorant. Within a day of meeting for the first time, the two learned more about each other's love history than about their jobs, but the strange tension and awkwardness was short-lived, and they soon started to get into arguments and become interested in each other.
. The Korean movie ``The Most Ordinary Love'' depicts an honest and realistic romance between a man who was hurt by his former girlfriend and a woman who was betrayed by her former boyfriend.

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