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The Battle of Jangsari

The Battle of Jangsari
  • English:The Battle of Jangsari
  • Korean: 장사리:잊혀진 영웅들
  • Release Date: 2019/09/25
  • Duration: 103分
Jangsari: Forgotten Heroes (Korean: 장사리: 잊혀진 영웅들) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2019-09-25.
The running time is 103 minutes. Average age is 17 years old, training period is only 2 weeks. 772 student soldiers hidden in history were deployed to make the Incheon Landing Operation a success.
A movie depicting the Changsha landing operation. . Incheon Landing Operation D-1. The Munsan, carrying a guerrilla force led by Captain Lee Myung-joon and student soldiers with no combat experience, was a diversionary act for the Incheon Landing Operation.
He heads to Changsha-ri for the battle "Changsha Landing Operation". The 772 student soldiers, with an average age of 17 and a training period of only two weeks, were exposed to a shower of bullets in bad weather.
They try to land, but... . The average age of the Korean movie "Jangsari: Forgotten Heroes" is 17 years old, and the training period is only 2 weeks. 772 student soldiers hidden in history conducted the Incheon landing operation.
A movie depicting the Changsha landing operation that was launched to make it a success. The Japanese title is "Changsari 9.15".

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