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  • English:Money
  • Korean: 돈
  • Release Date: 2019/03/20
  • Duration: 115分
Money (Korean: 돈) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2019-03-20. The running time is 115 minutes. Actor Ryu Jun Yeol is a novice stockbroker who wants to get rich.
A crime film that passionately depicts Ryu Jun Yeol is a new stock broker who enters the securities district of Yeouido with a dream of becoming rich. There's no trick, no trouble
He, who has a lot of money, soon finds himself in a situation where he is on the verge of being fired. At the moment of crisis, he meets Bong Ho-hyo (Yoo Ji Tae), a mythical strategy designer shrouded in veils, who offers him a chance to participate in a deal that will bring him huge profits.
Can be applied. After accepting a risky proposal, Il-hyun immediately makes a fortune. Han Ji-chul (Cho Woo), a hound from the Financial Supervisory Service, chases Bong Ho-hyo in front of Il-hyun, who is always running for victory.
Jin) appears and starts approaching him, but... . The Korean movie "Kim" is about a novice stockbroker who wants to get rich and meets the architect of a hidden scheme, and gets caught up in a huge scheme.
