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Be with You

Be with You
  • English:Be with You
  • Korean: 지금 만나러 갑니다
  • Release Date: 2018/03/14
  • Duration: 131分
I'm going to meet you now (Korean: 지금 만나러 갑니다) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2018-03-14.
The running time is 131 minutes. Based on the novel by author Takuji Ichikawa! A Korean version of a movie that was a huge hit in Japan.
On a rainy day, Soo-ah (Song Yejin) passed away, leaving behind an unbelievable promise that she would come back again.
One year later, one day when the rainy season begins, Su-ah appears, looking just as she did before she passed away. However, Soo-ah doesn't even remember who Woo-jin (So Ji Sub) is.
Even though he doesn't remember himself, Soo-ah is curious about the story between Woo-jin, who feels happy just by having his girlfriend by his side, and the man she doesn't remember.
After meeting Woo-jin, sharing her first love, first date, and first moment of happiness, Soo-ah falls in love with Woo-jin again, but... . The Korean movie "I'm Going to See You" passed away a year ago.
It is a love story that unfolds as the wife returns to her husband's side. The movie is based on a novel by author Takuji Ichikawa, and was produced in Japan in 2004, and was also popular in South Korea. In the Japanese version, Yuko Takeuchi and Nakamura
Shido played the role of the main character.

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