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Luck Key

Luck Key
  • English:Luck Key
  • Korean: 럭키
  • Release Date: 2016/10/13
  • Duration: 112分
Lucky (Korean: 럭키) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2016-10-13. The running time is 112 minutes. Based on the Japanese movie “The Key Thief’s Method”! The killer and the unknown actor
A comedy about changing fates. An unknown actor's life is turned upside down because of the public bath key, a perfect killer with a 100% success rate! ?
A ruthless killer, Hyun Woo (Yoo Hae Jin), happens to stop by after handling a case.
He steps on the soap in a public bath and loses his memories of the past. Unknown actor Jae-sung (Lee Joon), who has no popularity or will to live and has decided to die, sees HyunWoo at a public bathhouse to sort out his affairs.
Especially... Then he changes his key and his key and runs away. Afterwards, HyunWoo thinks he is Jae Sung and tries his best to become a successful actor. .
The Korean movie ``Lucky'' is a story about a killer whose fates change with an unknown actor due to Key, a public bath locker. Japanese movie "The Key Thief's Method"
is the original work. Houdai "LUCK-KEY/Lucky" released in Japan on August 19, 2017.
