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  • English:Cart
  • Korean: 카트
  • Release Date: 2014/11/13
  • Duration: 104分
cart (Korean: 카트) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2014-11-13. The running time is 104 minutes. Raising social issues regarding non-regular employment! Contract employee at a large supermarket
A work that depicts. The Mart is a supermarket that represents the Republic of Korea. We always practice customer satisfaction service by shouting, “The life of a mart is sales, sales are customers, and customers are service.”
Employees who respond to every nagging with a strong smile. One day, he suddenly receives a unilateral notice of dismissal from the company. .
The Korean movie "Cart" depicts a contract worker at a large supermarket. The characters are in the company for a long time.
However, because he was not a regular employee, he was forced to suffer from low pay, and then suddenly received a unilateral notice of dismissal.One morning, he went on a sit-in. The movie is about workers who are attacked by job insecurity.
is rooted in cold reality. Director Bu Jiyeon said, ``In general, we referred to cases and records of struggles related to irregular employment.'' Exhibited at Hawaii International Film Festival, Toronto International Film Festival, etc.
has been done. The Japanese title is "Tomorrow" and it was released in Japan on November 6, 2015.

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