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The Puppet

The Puppet
  • English:The Puppet
  • Korean: 꼭두각시
  • Release Date: 2013/06/20
  • Duration: 85分
Puppet (Korean: 꼭두각시) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2013-06-20. The running time is 85 minutes.
A horror story depicting the terrifying events of a woman who sees illusions and a doctor who performs dangerous hypnosis.
-. Ji-hoon (Lee Jung-soo) is a psychiatrist who doesn't believe in love. One day, his friend's girlfriend Hyun Jin (Koo Ji Sung) comes to visit him, saying that he is being tormented by an unexplained vision. for her treatment
Ji-hoon uses powerful hypnosis to confront Hyun-jin's true identity and learns about her horrifying past. Hyunjin gradually comes out of his past through hypnosis treatment, but Jihoon on the other hand
becomes addicted to her charm. . The Korean movie ``Puppet'' is a horror film that depicts the misfortune of a woman who sees illusions and a doctor who puts her through dangerous hypnosis. Rated R-19 in South Korea. enchanting doll de
Actress Koo Ji Sung plays Zaina and Hyun Jin. Meanwhile, actor Lee Jung-soo will play the role of a psychiatrist who uses post-hypnosis to incite fear.
