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The Concubine

The Concubine
  • English:The Concubine
  • Korean: 후궁:제왕의 첩
  • Release Date: 2012/06/06
  • Duration: 122分
Concubine: Emperor's concubine (Korean: 후궁: 제왕의 첩) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2012-06-06.
The running time is 122 minutes. An erotic historical drama depicting the secret story of the imperial court, where desire swirls. Hwa-young (Cho Yeo-ji) is a woman who had to change in order to survive.
). King Sung Won (Kim Dong Wook) is completely naked with power and love. Kwon Yoo (Kim Min Jun) is the man who took everything away. A strange desire that occurs in a shrine where you can't leave until you die.
Hope. . The Korean movie ``The Seraglio: The Emperor's Concubine'' is an erotic historical drama that depicts the secret story of three men and women who are brought together by a tragic fate and the secret story of the palace, where desire swirls around them. "concubine
” refers to the women a married man keeps in addition to his wife. It attracted 980,000 viewers in five days after its release.

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