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Children of Heaven

Children of Heaven
  • English:Children of Heaven
  • Korean: 천국의 아이들
  • Release Date: 2012/05/24
  • Duration: 107分
Children of Heaven (Korean: 천국의 아이들) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2012-05-24. The running time is 107 minutes.
A school movie starring Paek Ji Bin, known as a genius child actor. A fun and chaotic rebellion begins between a 15-year-old problem child and middle school students. part-time teacher
One day, Yoo Jin (Yoo Da In) is instructed by the principal to take the students in question to a club activity after school. The purpose of the lessons that the principal wants is for children to go out of school after school.
This is to prevent you from getting into an accident. However, the children are troublemakers, including Jeong-hwan (Paek Ji Bin), who was expelled from the soccer club due to a violent incident. take them
Eugene is practicing for a musical performance for a performance event sponsored by the ward office, but... . The Korean movie ``Children of Heaven'' is about a teacher and troubled children preparing for a musical performance.
A work depicting various episodes that occur. The lead role is played by Paek Ji Bin, who is known as a genius child actor. He plays a juvenile delinquent who causes a violent incident and is forced to leave the soccer club.
