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Never Ending Story

Never Ending Story
  • English:Never Ending Story
  • Korean: 네버엔딩 스토리
  • Release Date: 2012/01/18
  • Duration: 114分
Neverending Story (Korean: 네버엔딩 스토리) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2012-01-18. The running time is 114 minutes.
Starring Uhm Tae Woong & Jung Ryeo Won! A romance drama with a limited time limit. A man and a woman who would never meet. We met at none other than the hospital. 33 years old, younger brother
Poo-taro and Dong-joo (Uhm Tae Woong) live with a woman (Park Ki-eun and YOO SUN) and dream of winning the first prize in the lottery. A 28-year-old banker looking for a stable future and living his life according to a plan.
Member, Jung Ryeo Won. Two people who are not compatible are sentenced to a deadline on the same day and at the same time. The shortest is 3 months, the longest is 6 months. However, romance begins... .
The Korean movie ``The Neverending Story'' is a romantic drama that depicts the process of two seemingly incompatible men and women meeting by chance and becoming each other's soul mates.
comedy comedy. Both of them are diagnosed with brain tumors, and the two develop a romance just before they die. Starring talented actor Uhm Tae Woong and popular former idol actress Jung Ryeo Won.
