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Wonderful Radio

Wonderful Radio
  • English:Wonderful Radio
  • Korean: 원더풀라디오
  • Release Date: 2012/01/05
  • Duration: 120分
Wonderful Radio (Korean: 원더풀라디오) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2012-01-05. The performance time is 120 minutes.
A slapstick play between a down-and-out idol DJ and an attractive PD. DJ Shin Jin-ah (Lee) of the radio program “Wonderful Radio” just before it was abolished.
・MIN JEONG). It's been a while since she established an era as a national fairy, and the only people left by her side are Dae-geun (Lee, GwangSu), a hot-blooded manager who has been in her 10th year, and Raji, who is the only person on her schedule.
It's just the DJ's seat. However, Jin-ah's self-esteem remains the same as it was in her heyday. One day, when I was busy with reckless behavior such as saying mean things on air and changing the requested song without permission, I realized that my score might go down even further.
JaeHee-hyeok (Lee Jung-jin) is brought in as a relief producer in order to increase the audience ratings of Wonderful Radio. .
In the Korean movie "Wonderful Radio," a woman who is a member of the former idol group and works as a radio DJ is full of charm.
The story depicts the story that happens while running a program called ``Wonderful Radio'' where he meets producer Lee Jaek. Won various new actress awards for the movie "Cyrano Agency"
The lead roles will be played by Lee Min Jeong, who appeared in the movie ``The Solver'' and the TV series ``The Fugitive Plan.B.'' Also, "Singles", "Some Like It Hot", "Tameme"
Director Kwon Chil-in, who directed ``I Can't Do It,'' took the lead.
