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The Client

The Client
  • English:The Client
  • Korean: 의뢰인
  • Release Date: 2011/09/29
  • Duration: 123分
client (Korean: 의뢰인) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2011-09-29. The running time is 123 minutes.
Starring Ha Jung Woo & Jang Hyuk! Fall 2011 Hot Topic legal thriller.
A bed stained with blood, a missing body, and a suspicion of murder... No one will be believed until the trial is over. The murder case without the body, but the suspect caught in obvious circumstances
is the husband of the murdered person. This is the story of the intense battle between the lawyers and prosecutors, and their final argument in the presence of the jury. We invite you to be part of the jury in a courtroom showdown with no predictable outcome! .
The Korean movie "The Client" is Korea's first legal thriller by "hit makers" Ha Jung Woo, Park Hee Soon, and Jang Hyuk. Directed by promising new director Son Young Sung, Son Do
Supporting actors include Ng Il, Jung Won Joon, Kim SungRyoung, Park Hyuk Kwon, and Yoo Da In.
